Implementation of activities- Summary

The group found short texts (articles, summaries of longer studies, summaries of books, short presentation of theories), videos, visualization tools, diagrams, infographics, online tools, applications, mobile apps, websites, other resources. presentation of examples/ experiments/ projects from the training material developers’ own practice, create reflection tasks and list down bibliography and references for each unit, meaning novice level, independent user level and proficient user level. All members familiarized themselves with digital competence scientific background and frameworks like DigCompedu etc.

The group has compiled a questionnaire with help from DigCompedu and forwarded it to teachers in Digiloping I, Digiloping II group and stakeholders to find out the use of digital resources and overall level of digital competences. The group found out some Tallinn University’s marketing channels which could have been used for project but unfortunately due to lack of time, we couldn't use them. 

The final outcome of the project are training materials divided by three competence levels: novice, independent and proficient and also some materials (leaflets) for marketing purposes.


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